Quality Standards for Medical Cannabis in Australia

Quality & Testing

Australia upholds some of the most stringent quality control measures in the world for medicinal products, a testament to the government's dedication to offering pharmaceutical-grade treatments. Every medical cannabis product made in Australia is required to meet the rigorous standards set by the Therapeutic Goods Order No. 93 (Standard for Medicinal Cannabis) (TGO 93). This standard mandates essential quality benchmarks for medicinal cannabis products, guaranteeing they are devoid of pesticides, mould, bacteria, heavy metals, and additional impurities.

Medical Cannabis vs. Illicit Cannabis

Understand the Difference

When comparing Australian medical cannabis to illicit "street" cannabis, two critical differences stand out:

  • Quality assurance
  • Known and consistent levels of cannabinoids like THC and CBD

Illicit cannabis isn't regulated, meaning there’s no oversight on its quality or the accuracy of its cannabinoid content. However, Australian medical cannabis undergoes rigorous regulation to guarantee each product is consistent in formulation and that cannabinoid levels on the label are what’s actually in the medication. It's important to note that medical cannabis products, even those just containing CBD, if purchased online without proper regulation, are illegal in Australia.


Any Pharmacy, Anytime

Ordering Products

Curious about how to get medicinal cannabis in Australia? For insights on the supporting evidence for its prescription, and tips on how to have that chat with your doctor, reach out to Delta 9’s Customer Care team. We’re here to guide you through every step.

Alternatively, take your script and approval letter to any pharmacy. To receive your medicine please make sure you present or upload all paperwork provided by your doctor.

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Ordering for Pharmacists

Pharmacies within Australia are eligible to order and dispense unregistered medicinal cannabis as long as they have the required TGA and state health (if applicable) approval letters and prescription.

Unlike registered medication, there are certain conditions and criteria that need to be kept in mind while dispensing medicinal cannabis. This can seem complicated at first, but our experienced Medical Team is available for assistance and guidance when it comes to general medicinal cannabis education, ordering product, the TGA approval process and product information.

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Our product Information

Ordering Quality

Curious about how to get medicinal cannabis in Australia? For insights on the supporting evidence for its prescription, and tips on how to have that chat with your doctor, reach out to Delta 9’s Customer Care team. We’re here to guide you through every step.

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Safety information

Delta 9 sets the standard in Australia for medicinal cannabis safety, adhering to the country's stringent testing protocols. This ensures all products are free from contaminants like pesticides and heavy metals, offering pharmaceutical-grade cannabis medicines you can trust.

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Empowering Knowledge

Explore Insights and Resources on Medicinal Marijuana Education

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