Nurturing Health, Naturally: Your Access Matter

Cost of Medical Marijuana

Nurturing Health, Naturally: Your Access Matters.

Delta-9 Medicinal

The affordability of medicinal cannabis remains a significant challenge for many in Australia, with the expense of these products often being a hurdle. Many patients find the cost prohibitive, which is an important factor to consider if you're evaluating medicinal cannabis for your healthcare needs. Be sure to address any financial concerns with your healthcare provider when exploring treatment options.

Your Access Matters

Navigating the Costs with Delta 9

The intricacies of cost can be attributed to several variables, including:

  • The severity of a patient’s condition, which can influence the quantity of medicinal cannabis needed.
  • Individual responses to cannabis due to the unique nature of each patient’s endocannabinoid system.
  • Concurrent medications that may be taken alongside medicinal cannabis.
  • The specific medicinal cannabis product prescribed, as prices are set by manufacturers and can vary widely.

Your Access Matters

Price Determinants

Price determinants stem from factors such as:

  • The form of the cannabis product (e.g., oils, flowers, concentrates).
  • The cannabis plant’s quality and strength (measured by CBD/THC content).
  • The production method for the cannabis product.
  • The extent of quality testing required.
  • Regulatory and legal constraints.
  • The number of intermediaries in the supply chain and any additional processing.
  • Mark-up by wholesalers and pharmacies.

Considering these factors, the average daily cost of medical cannabis is typically under $10 (based on H2 2021 data from FreshLeaf Analytics). Currently, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) offers a single subsidy for specific syndromes such as Lennox-Gastaut and Dravet, applicable to patients two years and older.

Your Access Matters

Concession Pricing and Support

At Delta 9, we put patients at the heart of our mission, striving to facilitate easier access to medicinal cannabis. For detailed information about our concession pricing and support services, please visit our dedicated page.


We Help You Understand

How to Get Access

Patients diagnosed with a medical condition have various pathways to access medicinal cannabis.

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Step-By-Step Guide

Delta 9's Guide to Medical Cannabis: Eligibility and Access is a concise. Unsure and need a guide?

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Cost of Medical Cannabis

There are various factors that contribute to the cost of cannabis. Click here to understand more.

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Talk To a doctor

It's best to start the discussion with your current healthcare provider to ascertain if they are open to prescribing it.

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Empowering Knowledge

Explore Insights and Resources on Medicinal Marijuana Education

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